Plants That Continue to Grow Year After Year Are Called
If you're looking for perennial vegetables and flowers that grow year after year, get ready to be amazed. You literally have to do the work once and you'll reap in the rewards for years to come!
The time is now to start thinking about what you're wanting to plant in your garden. More than likely, you've probably got a pretty good idea…but if you are still looking for some of the best veggies and flowers to plant that will bloom year after year, these options are about to make your green thumb feel even more green!
5 Perennial Vegetables and Flowers that will Grow Year after Year
While planting the vegetables and flowers that you want is great, you'll also want to plant a few perennials as well!
What are perennial plants?
They are really awesome. They're plants that grow back every single year, without having to be replanted. How great is that? Basically, you have to plant them once, take care of them well and they'll repay you by popping back up year after year to say hello. Talk about the gift that keeps on giving.
Now that you know what perennial plants are, let's dive into five that you need to consider planting in your garden or yard this year.
1. Kale
Kale is one tough vegetable. Plant it once and it will grow and grow. It can also survive some pretty harsh temperatures as well. Some people claim that they can grow kale all year long, and it might be possible depending on where you live.
I suggest planting your kale in an area where it has room to grow because it's also a vegetable that can spread quite rapidly. If the kale plant feels that it has room to grow, it's going to do so. (and if not, it still might!)
2. Tulips
Who doesn't love tulips? They are one perennial flower that can literally bring a smile to your face. They're also great for knowing when Spring is officially here because they are one of the first flowers to bloom during those early warmer months. Lining your driveway with tulips can be quite the beautiful sight when they bloom!
Garlic can make anything taste better…and honestly can go just about in every dish. Plant it once and you may find that you have garlic growing out of your ears! (That's not necessarily a bad thing!)
If you do find that you have too much garlic to know what to do with, try cooking it, mashing it and spreading it on pizza crust or freeze it for later use. Don't let that awesome perennial herb go to waste!
Asparagus is such a great vegetable. That taste and flavor is one that really just can't be topped. And when you plant it once, you're going to have it over and over again.
The good news is that you can literally eat asparagus so many different ways! Fire up the grill and toss them on there or just sautee them up on the stove in a pan. Or if you're feeling really froggy, chop it up and add it to your morning omelet.
With all the asparagus that you're going to have growing, you're going to want to get creative with your recipes.
Quite arguably one of the most beautiful flowers, ever. While it can bloom in a variety of different colors, the ones that are light pink are quite stunning.
They're also known to have a wonderful and pleasant smell as well. If you have the chance to plant and grow your own peony flowers, do so. You won't be disappointed.
Can you get rid of perennial plants?
Of course. You'll need to dig them up and get rid of the roots, but it's possible to do. If you decide that you no longer enjoy the vegetables or flowers that are growing in your garden and yard, you can remove them so that you don't have to worry about them or see them again.
Make certain that you're aware of safety, too before you start digging around in the yard. Never dig blindly without knowing where the power lines are buried in your yard.
Once you have that figured out, you can start the process of removing the perennials easily so that they don't bother you again.
Some people loving having perennials in their yard and look forward to the time where they're blooming, showing signs of life. If you're wanting this to be the future of your yard and your garden, consider planting the 5 vegetables and flowers mentioned above.
And once you plant them once, you should be able to enjoy them for several years to come. It's not always a bad idea to find a plant that can grow again on its own! That just makes it that much easier for you.
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